Homemade Puff Pastry

There are many bakery things that we can prepare with puff pastry and even more perfect and delicious then the bakery. Try making puff pastry at home with this easy recipe by Chef Zakir Qureshi.

Puff Pastry Recipe


  • Flour 500 gm
  • Uni puff 400 gm
  • Salt 2 tsp
  • Oil ¼ cup
  • Water as required


  1. Knead the dough with flour, salt, oil and water.
  2. Roll it in rectangle shape. At one side, put small chunks of uni puff in it and fold it in 3 layers.See in below picture
  3. Now with the help of rolling pin, roll it again to a rectangle shape.
  4. Place the dough in the fridge and let rest for 10 minutes. Then, repeat step 3.
  5. Repeat this process thrice. While rolling, important thing to remember is to keep the folded side facing you.
  6. Now bake your favorite things with puff pastry.

Puff Pastry layer

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