Bounty bars are favorite for many people. Let try this versatile Bounty Cake inspired from bars; a rich and delicious cake. Coconut is the basic ingredient of this moist cake. In your next birthday party must try recipe and enjoy with your family.

Chocolate Coconut Bounty Cake
Cuisine: World
Author: Chef Shireen Anwar
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 6
  • Rich chocolate butter cake 2
  • Nestle creations cream 700 ml
  • Icing sugar 1 ½ cups
  • Desiccated coconut 7 tbsp
  • Freshly grated coconut ¼ cup
  • Condensed milk 5-6 tbsp
  1. Whip the nestle creations cream along with the icing sugar and coconut until peaks form.
  2. In a pan combine the fresh coconut along with condensed milk and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Place one layer of cake on cake stand and spread a layer of the sweetened coconut then top with whipped cream and sandwich the second cake on top.
  4. Spread cream all over the cake. Finish with sprinkling desiccated coconut on top and grated chocolate. Chill for 2 hours before serving.
  5. Serving: 4-6


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