chicken Manchurian recipe with step by step images

We mostly order Chicken Manchurian at restaurants because many of us think it’s difficult to make at home.

p>This is one of the best Chicken Manchurian recipes that I have ever tried. I must say it is very similar to restaurant taste. Serve delicious chicken Manchurian with Chicken Fried Rice or Vegetable Fried Rice.

The original recipe is called for red food color for a nice red texture. But, I used paprika powder.

h2 class="wp-block-heading">What is a Manchurian sauce made of?

The manchurian sauce is a combination of chicken stock, ketchup, ginger-garlic paste, vinegar, red chili powder, and cornflour uses for thickness.

Chicken Manchurian Recipe with Step by Step Photos

Cut the chicken into cubes

Marinade chicken with cornflour, sugar, salt, black pepper, and oil. Rest for 15 minutes.

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Heat oil or ghee in a cooking pan.

Fry Chicken in warm oil.

Keep the chicken in white color.

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Remove on a plate.

Sauce ingredients.

chicken Manchurian recipe with gravy

Mix ingredients in a bowl.

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Saute ginger garlic paste until an aroma arises.

chicken Manchurian recipe with photos

Add the chicken along with green chili and 1/2 cup stock. Cool until the chicken is fully cooked.

Add sauce and cook until desired gravy prepare.

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Best chicken Manchurian recipe