Food looks gorgeous when decor it with fruit and vegetables. Cucumbers available on cheap price and we can make several garnishing with it. Follow our step-by-step instructions to make dainty ribbons of cucumber.

Step 1

Take a cucumber and cut both the ends and discard them by using a knife. Do not peel the cucumber.




Step 2

Use a vegetable peeler and cut thin lengthwise strips from the cucumber. Make sure that there is a thin line of green on both side of the strip.


Step 3

When you reach the seeds, turn the cucumber and repeat on the other sides. Discard the core.

Cucumber Ribbon

Step 4

Place the strips in ice water until they are chilled. Remove from water. Drain well.


Step 5

Gather the cucumber ribbons and make desired ruffles or spiral.

Step 6

Garnish desired food or drink or salad and serve.



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