Homemade Amritsari Hareesa

Amritsari Hareesa is a very famous dish of the winter season in Lahore because of its unique taste.

I tr

ied many hareesa recipes and finally, found a recipe that is very close in taste to the famous Amritsari Harissa.

You will be addicted to this delicious recipe of hareesa after tasting it. This is a great dish to serve at home with kebab and ghee tampering.

ss="wp-block-heading">what is hareesa?

Hareesa is a stew made with wheat and meat. It is usually made with lamb or beef, but chicken can also be used. The wheat is cooked in water until it is soft. Meat cooks in a separate pot then both are combined.

Hareesa is typically seasoned with desi ghee and served with hot naan.

Homemade Amritsari Hareesa

Amritsari Hareesa

Prep time: 6 hours
Cook time: 1 hour
Total time: 7 hours
Serves: 8


  • Cracked wheat grain (gandum ka daliya) 250g
  • Ghee ¼ cup
  • Onion 1 medium
  • Sabat garam masala 1 tbsp
  • Mutton/lamb ½ kg (boneless)
  • Ginger garlic paste 2 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Red chili powder 2-3 tsp
  • Yogurt ¼ cup
  • Boiled spinach (ground) 4 tbsp

For Mini Kabab

  • Beef/chicken mince ½ kg
  • Red chili powder 2 teaspoons
  • Cumin powder ½ teaspoon
  • Salt 1 teaspoons
  • Oil for fry

For Bhagar

  • Ghee 1 cup
  • Crushed cumin seeds 1 tsp


  1. Soak cracked wheat grain (daliya) for 5-6 hours.
  2. Add 4-5 glasses of water in a large cooking pan and boil cracked wheat grain until soft.
  3. Grind wheat grain but don’t grind in a paste. It should be roughly ground.
  4. Heat ghee and fry onion when onion changes color add sabat garam masala and fry until light brown.
  5. Now add meat and fry until color changes. Add ginger-garlic paste, salt, red chili powder, and yogurt. Stir add sufficient water. Cover and cook on slow heat until meat tender and soft.
  6. Grind meat.
  7. Now mix together wheat grain, meat, and spinach. Cook on medium heat until it thickest and color turns to brown.
  8. Add mini kebab and mix.
For Mini Kebab
  1. Mix all ingredients of mini kebab in a food processor.
  2. Make mini finger kebab and shallow fry in hot oil until tender.
For Baghar
  1. Heat up ghee and sizzle crushed cumin. Pour over hareesa and serve hot.

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  1. Hi. Are whole mixed spices sabat garam masala? I can’t find whole mixed spices here. Can you please tell me what individual spices it includes? Thanks

    1. Yes whole mixed spices means sabat garam masala. It contains cumin seeds, black pepper corns, cinnamon stick, black cardamom, and cloves.

  2. Is daal (sabat moong or maash) not added to Amritsari Hareesa? I have seen many recipes, and all have daal in them.

    Also, is palak not added in tarka? You have mixed boiled palak directly in meat/dalia.

    Can you please confirm if your way is the most authentic way to cook Amritsari Hareesa?

    1. Hi Tee, there are many Hareesa recipes that uses rice and different daal, but Amritsari Hareesa consist only cracked wheat grains.
      Some use Palak for tarka but this recipe does not. Yes, this is the authentic recipe of Amritsari Hareesa. I have tried it many times.
      Must try and share your feedback.

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