How to Make Khajoor ka Halwa { "@context": "", "@type": "Recipe", "name": "Khajoor ka Halwa (Date Sweet)", "image": "", "description": "Everyone is familiar with the healthy benefits of dates. So why not add this in your menu in a new way. Yes Khajoor ka Halwa has a delicious taste and you wont resist.", "keywords": "Khajoor ka Halwa (Date Sweet)", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Home Chef" }, "datePublished": "2013-26-09", "prepTime": "PT10M", "cookTime": "PT15M", "totalTime": "PT25M", "recipeCategory": "Chef Zubaida Tariq", "recipeCuisine": "English", "recipeYield": "4", "recipeIngredient": [ "250g Fresh dates", "1 packet Biscuit", "1 packet Fresh cream", "1 packet Grated coconut", "1 cup Walnut chopped", "4 tbsp Butter", "1/2 cup Sugar" ], "recipeInstructions": "First de-seed the dates and blend them in chopper. Crush the biscuits. In a wok heat butter and add dates to cook with sugar and crushed biscuits to mix. Then add walnut and coconut to mix. Now take a flat steel dish and grease it with oil. Now spread the above batter and press it with palm or spoon. In the end pour fresh cream and garnish with coconut and almond. Ready to serve.", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "17", "worstRating": "3", "ratingCount": "20" } }

Loaded with fiber — both soluble and insoluble — dates are able to fill you up and keep your bowel habits regular. They are an excellent source of potassium and provide numerous other important vitamins and minerals. Dates are great on their own, but for an extra-special treat, try to make some dessert with it. Adding dates to ordinary recipe makes it special. Zubaida Tariq is teaching a delicious winter and spring treat for sweet buds.

Khajoor ka Halwa Recipe


Khajoor ka Halwa (Date Sweet)
Cuisine: Pakistani
Author: Admin
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
  • 250g Fresh dates
  • 1 packet Biscuit
  • 1 packet Fresh cream
  • 1 packet Grated coconut
  • 1 cup Walnut chopped
  • 4 tbsp Butter
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  1. First de-seed the dates and blend them in chopper.
  2. Crush the biscuits.
  3. In a wok heat butter and add dates to cook with sugar and crushed biscuits to mix.
  4. Then add walnut and coconut to mix.
  5. Now take a flat steel dish and grease it with oil.
  6. Now spread the above batter and press it with palm or spoon.
  7. In the end pour fresh cream and garnish with coconut and almond.
  8. Ready to serve.


کھجور کا حلوہ


کھجور آدھا کلو
بسکٹ ایک پیکٹ
کریم ایک پیکٹ
ناریل ایک پیالی
اخروٹ ایک پیالی (باریک کٹے
مکھن چار کھانے کے چمچ
چینی آدھا پیالی

کھجور سے گٹھلی نکال کر کھجور کا چوپر میں گودا بنائیں۔

بسکٹ کا چورا کرلیں۔
کڑاہی میں مکھنکو ہلکا سا گرم کرکے اس میں کھجور کا گودا ڈال کر بھونلیں۔
پھراس میں چینی اور بسکٹکا چورا ملادیں۔

ساتھ ہی اخروٹ اور ناریل بھی ڈال کر چمچ سے اچھی طرح ملالیں۔
اب ایک پلیٹ میں چکنائی لگا کر اس میں حلوہ پھیلا کر جما دیں۔

حلوے پر کریم پھیلائیں۔

آخر میں تھوڑے سے اخروٹ اور ناریل سے گارنشکرلیں اور ٹکڑے کاٹکر سروکریں۔

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