Green Smoothie with Coffee
{ "@context": "", "@type": "Recipe", "name": "Green Smoothie with Coffee", "image": "", "description": "Detoxify your body and improve your health by drniking Green Smoothie with Coffee. We add fresh spinach leaves for a healthy nutrition boost. Must try it!", "keywords": "Green Smoothie with Coffee", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Home Chef" }, "datePublished": "2020-10-05", "prepTime": "PT2M", "cookTime": "PT1M", "totalTime": "PT3M", "recipeCategory": "Beverage", "recipeCuisine": "English", "recipeYield": "1", "recipeIngredient": [ "Baby spinach 1 cup/ one or two handfuls", "Milk 2/3 cup", "Frozen banana 1", "Instant coffee 1 tsp or according to taste", "Sugar or honey to taste", "Ice cubes 4-5", "Mint leave for garnish" ], "recipeInstructions": "Blend all ingredients until smooth. Preferably use smoothie blender for a nice blend. Garnish with mint leave and enjoy Green Smoothie with Coffee on the go.", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "17", "worstRating": "2", "ratingCount": "19" } }

Combine your morning cup of coffee with spinach and get healthy nutrition boost. Green Smoothie with Coffee ready in just a few seconds and healthier than other smoothies.

In-taking smoothie daily in morning helps to slowly detoxify your body and improve your well being.

Green Smoothie with Coffee Recipe

Prep time: 2 mins
Cook time: 1 mins
Total time: 3 mins
Serves: 1


  • Baby spinach 1 cup/ one or two handfuls
  • Milk 2/3 cup
  • Frozen banana 1
  • Instant coffee 1 tsp or according to taste
  • Sugar or honey to taste
  • Ice cubes 4-5
  • Mint leave for garnish
Cheap Personal Blender


  1. Blend all ingredients until smooth. Preferably use smoothie blender for a nice blend.
  2. Garnish with mint leave and enjoy Green Smoothie with Coffee on the go.

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