Homemade mango ice cream

In mango season why not enjoy Homemade Mango Ice Cream Recipe! This is very simple and easy, with no special equipment or ingredient you need.

Related Recipe: Mango Shake with Ice Cream

Follow this easy recipe and enjoy mango ice cream.

Homemade Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Author: Admin
Prep time: 20 hours
Total time: 20 hours
Serves: 4


  • Mango 3 medium (chunks)
  • Sugar 4 tbsp or to taste
  • Cream 1 cup
  • Vanilla essence ¼ tsp (optional)


  1. Put mango chunks in a blender and blend into a paste.
  2. Add sugar and blend again.
  3. Then add cream and vanilla essence; blend until smooth.
  4. Shift mango mixture in an airtight container and keep in the freezer. After 3 hours take it out and beat.
  5. Again keep in the freezer for 3 hours, then take it out and beat.
  6. Now keep ice cream in the freezer for 6-8 hours or until set completely.
  7. Scoop in a serving bowl, garnish with nuts/fruits, and serve.


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