Cake Rusk Caramel Pudding

When it comes to a dessert, people often think of traditional sweet treats. However, there is an entire world full of unique and delicious cake rusk desserts available on Google!

One that caught my eye was Cake Rusk Caramel Pudding by Shireen Anwar which sounds both intriguing as well aesthetically pleasing with its caramel sauce

The best part about this recipe is that you can make it without an oven! Chef prepared this delicious dessert in the oven, but I made it on top of my pan.

In today’s post we are going to explore both ways and for easy understanding here’s a step-by-step guide with pictures that will show how you can make Cake Rusk Pudding without an oven!

How to Make Caramel


Melt sugar in a pan until caramelizes. Pour it in mould. Set aside.

How to Make Pudding

How to Make Cake Rusk Caramel Pudding

Soak cake rusk in 1 cup milk until soft about 8-10 minutes. Now put soaked cake rusk, remaining milk, eggs, sugar, and vanilla essence in a blender and blend until everything incorporate. Pour in pudding mould and cover with foil.

Pudding Without Oven

Cake Rusk Caramel Pudding without Oven
  • Add water about 2 inches in a wide cooking pan in which your pudding mould easily fits.
  • Put a wire stand in a pan and allow to boil water then carefully place mould on wire rack and cover with lid tightly.
  • After 40 minutes insert a skewer into pudding if comes out clean pudding is ready.
  • If looks wet then give it more time. Turn over pudding in platter, allow to cool and serve.

How to Make Cake Rusk Caramel Pudding

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4


For Caramel

  • Sugar ½ cup

For Pudding

  • Cake rusk 8 slices
  • Milk 2 to 2 1/2 cups
  • Eggs 3
  • Sugar 4 tbsp or to taste
  • Vanilla essence ¼ tsp


For Caramel
  1. Melt sugar in a pan until caramelizes. Pour it in mould.
For Pudding
  1. Soak cake rusk in 1 cup milk until soft about 8-10 minutes.
  2. Now put soaked cake rusk, remaining milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla essence in blander and blend until everything incorporate.
  3. Pour in pudding mould. Add water in baking tray about 2 inches up and place pudding mould in water and bake at 180 degree C for 40 minutes.
  4. Turn over in platter and serve.

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